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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Barbara Hannay

Set in the rugged outback of beautiful Far North Queensland, Zoe's Muster is a passionate rural romance novel from award-winning romance writer Barbara Hannay.
When Zoe, restless black sheep of the Porter family, discovers that her biological father is a North Queensland cattleman, Peter Fairburn, her deep desire to meet him takes her from inner city Brisbane to a job as a stockcamp cook. Zoe’s mother, Claire, is wrestling with guilt and shock over Zoe’s discovery. She swears Zoe to secrecy, fearing that the truth could ruin the career of her high profile politician husband. When she is forced to confront her past, Claire also reassesses her marriage. Virginia Fairburn is happily married to Peter, but she’s always lived with the shadow of the other woman her husband loved and lost. On the muster at Mullinjim, Zoe meets brooding cattleman Mac McKinnon, who knows from painful experience that city girls can’t cope in the bush. Every instinct tells Mac that Zoe is hiding something. As the pressure to reveal her mother’s secret builds, Zoe fears she must confide in him or burst.
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Published 2012-07-01 by Michael Joseph


Published 2012-07-01 by Michael Joseph


I highly recommend Zoe's Muster for any romance fans who enjoy strong characterisation, steamy love scenes and a vivid Australian setting.