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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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David Ulrich

Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography

Drawing on mindfulness and Zen philosophy, ZEN CAMERIA is a beautifully illustrated guide to developing a daily photography practice, featuring accessible lessons on the mechanics of photography and inspiration to tap into one's unique, innate creativity.
Photographer and Zen follower David Ulrich guides readers to the creativity at their fingertips—literally—requiring nothing more than a smartphone or any other type of camera. Over the course of six lessons gleaned from the author's 40 years of teaching photography, readers learn how to use the camera in their pocket to explore self-expression as a photographer, produce beautiful and unique photographs, and develop a sense of centeredness in their daily lives.

Gorgeously illustrated with full-color photographs, David Ulrich's lessons combine mindfulness principles with concrete exercises and the basic mechanics of taking a good photograph. He guides you through a program of taking photos every day (called your Daily Record), similar to a journaling practice. He also offers profound insight into the nature of seeing, art, and attention, pushing you to live more authentically.
ZEN CAMERA represents the next evolution of the coloring book and journaling trends by encouraging readers to connect creativity and mindfulness as part of a spiritually engaged lifestyle.

DAVID ULRICH is a professor and program director for Pacific New Media, University of Hawai'i at M?noa. He works with teens and young adults, and is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals including Aperture, Manoa, and Sierra Club publications. Ulrich's photographs have been exhibited internationally in more than 75 one-person and group exhibitions. He blogs about creativity and consciousness at, and is a consulting editor for Parabola magazine.
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Published 2018-02-13 by Watson-Guptill


Published 2018-02-13 by Watson-Guptill


Russian: MIF