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Jason Zweig

How the New Science of Neuroeconomics Can Help Make you Rich

Drawing on the latest scientific research, Jason Zweig shows what happens in your brain when you think about money and tells investors how to take practical, simple steps to avoid common mistakes and become more successful.
What happens inside our brains when we think about money? Quite a lot, actually, and some of it isn't good for our financial health. In Your Money and Your Brain, Jason Zweig explains why smart people make stupid financial decisions - and what they can do to avoid these mistakes. Zweig, a veteran financial journalist, draws on the latest research in neuroeconomics, a fascinating new discipline that combines psychology, neuroscience, and economics to better understand financial decision making. He shows why we often misunderstand risk and why we tend to be overconfident about our investment decisions. Your Money and Your Brain offers some radical new insights into investing and shows investors how to take control of the battlefield between reason and emotion.

Your Money and Your Brain is as entertaining as it is enlightening. In the course of his research, Zweig visited leading neuroscience laboratories and subjected himself to numerous experiments. He blends anecdotes from these experiences with stories about investing mistakes, including confessions of stupidity from some highly successful people. Then he draws lessons and offers original practical steps that investors can take to make wiser decisions.

Anyone who has ever looked back on a financial decision and said, "How could I have been so stupid?" will benefit from reading this book.

Jason Zweig is a senior writer for Money magazine and has been a guest columnist for Time and He is also the editor of the revised edition of Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor, the classic text that Warren Buffett has described as "by far the best book about investing ever written." Before joining Money, Zweig was the mutual funds editor at Forbes.
In 2001 Zweig was named "best financial columnist for a national publication" by Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. He received the 2006 Lifetime Achievement in Investor Education award from the Mutual Fund Education Alliance. He serves on the editorial boards of Financial History magazine and The Journal of Behavioral Finance.
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Published 2007-09-01 by Simon & Schuster


Published 2007-09-01 by Simon & Schuster


Chinese (CC): International Publishing Co ; Chinese (SI): Citic ; Croatian: Masmedia ; French: Editions Gutenberg ; Hungarian: A4C Books ; Japanese: Nikkei ; Korean: Elij 21 ; Lithuanian: Luceo ; Polish: Epilog Daniel Jaworowicz ; Portuguese (B): Nova Fronteira ; Russian: Eksmo ; Spanish: Faroque ; Turkish: Inkilap Kitabevi ; Vietnamese: Mekongcom