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Menas Kafatos Deepak Chopra

Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters

New York Times bestselling author Deepak Chopra joins forces with leading physicist Menas Kafatos to explore nine of the biggest and most baffling questions about science and the nature of reality. Their answers will present a bold new understanding of who we are and how we can reach our greatest potential.
Combining cutting edge science and with real world applications, Chopra and Kafatos look to redefine our nature of reality and what is possible. Here they ask 9 questions: What Came Before the Big Bang? Why Does the Universe Fit Together So Perfectly? Where Did Time Come From? What Is the Universe Made Of? Is There Design in the Universe? Is the Quantum World Linked to Everyday Life? Do We Live in a Conscious Universe? How Did Life Begin? Does the Brain Create the Mind? Their answers will open up new possibilities for all of us to lead more fruitful, peaceful, and successful lives.

The authors are currently working with the BBC to create a documentary that will air on Netflix to tie-in with the book.

Deepak Chopra is a pioneer of integrative medicine and the author of over 80 books published in 43 languages. Menas Kafatos is The Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics at Chapman University.
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Published 2017-02-07 by Harmony


Published 2017-02-07 by Harmony


As a teenager, I used to find it rather curious that people regard their thoughts and emotions as integral to whom they are, but their perceptions as something totally beyond themselves. The world we perceive is, after all, part of our mental life just like our thoughts and emotions. In this book, Deepak and Menas take this seemingly innocent idea to cosmic heights, revealing its true force and significance. They do it intelligently, in a scientifically well-informed manner, and with good taste. The result is delightful.

You are the Universe, brings the usual gracious clarity of all of Deepak Chopra’s writings together with the insights of physicist Menas Kafatos to elucidate the most profound and pressing questions at the frontiers of contemporary science. Weaving Dr. Chopra’s expertise regarding biological systems with Prof. Kafatos’ work in quantum physics, geophysics, and cosmology, they illuminate the realms where all the most successful contemporary sciences come to the edge of what can be explained with the vital lights from their own life times of deep spiritual practice. The result is no clash of competing perspectives, but a rich, synergistic tapestry of great wisdom, beauty, and comfort for our culture. As such, You Are The Universe is their great and generous gift to each of us.

UK: Rider ; Portugal: Self ; Poland: Helion ; France: Editions de la Maisnie ; China: Citic ; Brazil: Alaude ; Serbia: Leo Commerce ; Romania: Editura For You

The latest masterpiece by Deepak is a joint oeuvre with cosmologist Menas Kafatos. It addresses all the most important questions we can ask of ourselves and of science. Questions like who we are, and why are we here – with the science to back our answers. This is the “new paradigm” we have been talking about!

I am often asked if Deepak Chopra really believes the many controversial and provocative ideas he espouses in his many writings. Now that I have gotten to know him I can answer unequivocally in the affirmative, and there is no better encapsulation of his scientific worldview than You Are the Universe, which he co-authored with the highly respected physicist Menas Kafatos, my colleague at Chapman University. If you want to understand the worldview in which human consciousness is primary, and how that perspective can be defended through science, this is the book to read. In my own journey to better understand Deepak and his worldview this book was the most enlightening path I took.

An inspiring and insightful work that points out the sterility and inadequacy of the materialist paradigm that unnecessarily pervades modern science.

This is not just another popular science book asking who am I? and why am I here?. This important new book addresses today’s most important scientific questions regarding our very existence. In the end, we can’t help but to be convinced that we live in a participatory universe that we define and synthesize according to the nervous system we enjoy as a species. The result is a riveting and absolutely fascinating literary adventure that will blow your mind wide open!

You are the Universe could have been spelled Youniverse for not only are ‘you’ in the universe ‘you’ are at the start of it all. Chopra and Kafatos have put together a well-written and, as far as any scientist today knows, a completely accurate exploration of how the mystery of subjective consciousness provides the basis for material reality as it is presently understood. I highly recommend this for those who are curiously alive.

Ready for a broader vision of yourself? Face it! the paradigm of science is changing from the primacy of matter to the primacy of consciousness, what the authors call the primacy of qualia—felt experience. Read the book and find out more about the universe and yourself.

YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE is a New York Times bestseller! Debuts #7 on the Non-Fiction list

Almost 100 years ago the sage Tagore and the scientist Einstein had a brief encounter to discuss the nature of reality. Revisiting their fascinating discourse on how science and spirituality inform each other is long overdue and this new book finally does it! Even if you - like me, prefer Einstein’s world, this book will make you marvel at Tagore’s beautiful human universe as masterfully uncovered by the authors.

Understanding Cosmos needs innovative perceptions and at times key paradigm moves. Our cosmic perspective changed radically with emergence of Relativity and a Quantum Universe, even as key mysteries remain unsolved in Modern Science. Are we at a critical juncture again towards comprehending the Cosmos? Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos suggest new avenues, in that knowing the Observer resolves the Cosmic Conundrum. The book brings in a fresh breeze of ideas and an enjoyable journey into Self and Universe.

As brain science and Western philosophy remain confounded by consciousness, this book points toward a solution, a deep connection between our minds and the fundamental makeup of the universe.

This book discusses an important aspect from neuroscientific point of view i.e mind creates the reality. The authors do not like to distinguish the external reality and internal reality. This is similar to Yigacara Buddhism. However, it raises a very important issue whether any physical theory should include boundary conditions too or boundary conditions are outside the physical theory. This book raises lot of such fascinating issues which may create an environment of new debate.

In You Are The Universe, Deepak Chopra picks up where he left off in War of the World views, only this time, rather than warring with a scientist (me), he joins forces with one. Teaming up with quantum physics expert Menas Kafatos, Chopra takes us on a tour of the universe and humanity’s place in it, exploring both science and spirituality, and how they may inform each other. Although it’s a worldview I do not subscribe to, it was an enjoyable ride.

In this interesting book, an astrophysicist is uniquely teaming up with a medical doctor. They present a novel, and I dare to say, revolutionary “paradigm” that has to make us all reconsider our ideas about our place in the Universe. It will shake stagnated waters in the short sighted beliefs of many. It will also make us to think and wonder about our real relationship with the Cosmos.