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Sebastian Ritscher
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Abby Hoy

How to Look and Feel Fierce at Any Size

Feel confident in wearing what you want and living out loud with these style tips and tricks from a plus-size, body-positive, and colorful content creator.
Thank goodness in this modern era, we know that rocking a bikini or a pink power suit isn't limited by our size, by our height, by our age, but sometimes it's hard to translate what we know is possible into our day to day. Our beauty standards are changing every day to be more inclusive, bolder, and louder to celebrate our inner and outer cutie!

In Yes, You Can Wear That, body-positive content creator, Abby Hoy of @ThePennyDarling guides you through what to wear by making it clear that you can (and should!) wear anything. Hoy helps you feel confident and find a wardrobe that's totally "YOU." In every situation and for any occasion - from first dates to weddings, from high-power job interviews to learning to love our jiggly tummies - you can dress and feel confident for every part of your life. Part style guide, part body-positive manifesto, this book is an encouraging reminder that you can be beautiful, bold, and confident at any size.

Abby Hoy is a body-positive and colorful lifestyle content creator and influencer. She is the author of Yes, You Can Wear That. She spends her time being weird in Pennsylvania with her husband, Preston, and her beloved rescue Morkie, Charlie.
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Published 2021-11-09 by Tiller Press