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Ullstein Buchverlage
Annemarie Blumenhagen
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Who's good for you?

Gabriel Palacios

How can I properly weigh someone up? How can I perceive and interpret coded messages someone may be sending me? Who’s good for me? Who’s detrimental to my wellbeing? If only I could read minds… We’ve all considered questions like these at some point or another. Gabriel Palascios shows how all of these questions – and their answers – are connected to one mysterious and amorphous area of the psyche: the unconscious.

This book, based on the daily practice of one of Europe’s most successful hypnotherapists, will fascinate anyone looking for a deeper understanding of human nature. By means of simple exercises, the author shows what is needed to differentiate between well-meaning and manipulative people in our immediate surroundings. He provides us with protective mechanisms that work without rejecting the other person, and teaches techniques of trust, which suggest to the people around us that a connection is possible. Both practical and conceptually challenging, this book is for anyone with an interest in the human mind.

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Published 2019-02-22 by Allegria , ISBN: 9783793424048

Main content page count: 224 Pages

ISBN: 9783793424048


"I like his mystic talent and his stunning charm. I am sure that he will take the world by storm with his abilities."