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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Maren Wiederhold


Denise Young

How to Come Into Your Power – And Empower Others Along the Way

Memoir from Apple's former Chief of HR, co-creator of the Apple Store culture, and first VP of inclusion and diversity, Denise Young. Young gives readers a glimpse into her journey of learning to be her authentic self in a business setting and how making space for our whole selves can open doors for real inclusion in the workplace.
For her work as a co-creator of the Apple Store cultural experience, Denise Young has been deemed by leadership experts as one of the most emotionally intelligent leaders of her era. In this stirring narrative, part-memoir, part blueprint for action, she shares her vision of what it means to be truly seen at the workplace. As a "first and only" woman of color in boardrooms and leading roles across the Bay Area's booming tech industry, Denise was a trailblazer in a business that was never built for her. The first black and female senior executive under both Steve Jobs and Tim Cook, Denise was often in "the room where it happened." But within a white male-centric professional culture, she still had to work harder, smarter, and differently to get heard. She speaks candidly to that experience in these pages, offering lessons to those coming up behind her. Denise argues that bringing your true self to work - from wearing your beloved locs to sharing your artistic passion - and, in turn, holistically seeing the attributes others have to offer is not a passive experience; it is a specific skill we can and should build. And the result is a deeper understanding of what it means to be inclusive, and powerfully human on the job. In the book she shares insights on using your own story, empathy, intuition, and more to unlock the potential in yourself and others. Her story serves as both solace and strategy for anyone who has ever felt left out, unseen, ostracized; anyone who has been an only or a first. This is a book for anyone interested in upending perpetual cycles of exclusion, and in reclaiming our individual agency in the ongoing quest to thrive and belong. Denise Young is executive-in-residence at Cornell Tech after a two-decade career at Apple as the company's first VP of inclusion and diversity and worldwide chief of human resources. Denise has been named a "Most Powerful Woman" by Ebony and Black Enterprise, one of the "100 Most Influential in Silicon Valley" by Insider and featured in Fortune's "Most Powerful Women" issue.
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Published 2024-05-21 by Crown


Raw, authentic, and introspective - Denise Young pulls back the curtain on her time as a C-suite executive at Apple, demonstrating resilience and empathy characteristic of her leadership. A must-read for anyone struggling to bring their true leadership self to the workplace.

Denise Young's luscious When We Are Seen resides at the tender intersection of two powerful human emotions - to be seen and to see. And ultimately, to work together to build a future big enough to hold us all.

When We Are Seen serves as a life raft for those of us who are simply keeping our heads above water in an ocean of sociocultural complexities within corporate communities across the world.

.stirring. Unlike many other DEI volumes, this book defends inclusivity as an end in itself, rather than a means to higher retention or profits... This stands out in the crowded field of business memoirs.

[Denise's] perspective is timeless, unique, and the only way to truly create a culture that inspires the best in people and organizations. You will enjoy reading this book and benefit as a business leader but mostly as a member of the human race.

[Denise's] understanding of cultures and the way they form and evolve is extraordinary.

Denise Young - a pioneer - has taken the time to give us a peak behind the curtain and a view of how to be successful while maintaining one's integrity and grace. This book is a must-read.

When We Are Seen demystifies iconic brands like Apple and humanizes the story of extraordinary accomplishment. In a time [where] we need to invest in leaders more than ever, Denise offers us a masterclass in empathy.

In this insightful book debut, Young, Apple's former chief of human resources and first vice president of inclusion and diversity, makes a compelling argument for bringing empathy and humanity into the workplace... Thoughtful reflections on race, gender, and human connection.

It's not surprising that the first Black woman to rise to the C-suite of one of the world's most storied tech giants has her own powerful story to tell. This book will make you think differently about the world and your ability to make it better.