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WhatsApp, YouTube, and Instagram for Parents

Björn Friedrich Tobias Albers-Heinemann

Most parents only see the negative news about WhatsApp, YouTube and other social media pla ...

Most parents only see the negative news about WhatsApp, YouTube and other social media platforms. They are often scared that their kids will suffer from internet addiction and cyberbullying, or that they will get ripped off online. However, simply banning young people from the web is not the answer, as you can’t check whether they stay offline, and the online world is an integral part of modern life anyway.

The solution is education. You can only offer sound advice if you understand the dangers of social media and what makes it so attractive to kids.

This book explains everything that parents and teachers need to know about what kids get up to online, how to protect personal data, and talks about what kids need to know to stay safe in the world of social media.

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Published by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783960090816

Main content page count: 318 Pages

ISBN: 9783960090816