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Shirley MacLaine

A Lifetime of Questions, Speculations, Hypotheses, Reasonable Guesses, and a Few Things I Know for Sure

Beloved actress and bestselling author Shirley MacLaine contemplates a wealth of subjects from the mundane to the esoteric in this all-new collection of musings that begin with two simple words: What if…
What if hope is the most dangerous emotion? What if a frog had wings? (Answer: He wouldn’t bump his ass so much.) What if our political leaders actually led? What if Downton Abbey was full of Americans? What if, for some reason, I couldn't be creative and work? These are just a few of the “what ifs” that Shirley Maclaine considers in her new book written in the style of her beloved and laugh-out-loud memoir I’m Over All That. In What If…, she speculates on a wide range of matters both spiritual and secular, humorous and profound, earth-bound and high-flying, personal and universal. This is Shirley MacLaine at her most funny, acerbic, imaginative, and irresistible. · National author publicity · Author appearances: New York City · Online advertising campaign, including Ad Roll · Galley Alley feature title, includes advertising in Shelf Awareness, Publishers Weekly, and/or · Feature Title in The Lives of Others (9781476740355), a free ebook sampler featuring excerpts from Atria Memoirs · Cross promotion with Shirley MacLaine has appeared in more than fifty films, has been nominated for an Academy Award six times, and received the Oscar for Best Actress in 1984 for Terms of Endearment. She also recently starred in the hit TV show Downton Abbey. A longtime outspoken advocate for civil rights and liberties, she is the author of ten international bestsellers. She lives in Malibu, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
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Published 2013-11-01 by Atria


Published 2013-11-01 by Atria