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Richard Bolles

Your Guide to a Lifetime of Meaningful Work and Career Success

The 2022 edition of WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? by Richard Bolles and Katharine Brooks, which Ten Speed will publish in December.
With timeless advice, up-to-the-minute insights, and more than ten million copies sold over fifty years, the world's most popular and best-selling career guide is fully revised and expanded for 2022. In today's challenging job market, as recent grads face a shifting economic landscape and seek work that pays and inspires, as workers are laid off mid-career, and as people search for an inspiring work-life change, the time-tested advice of What Color Is Your Parachute? is needed more than ever.

This new edition has been fully revised for 2022 by Vanderbilt University Career Center director Katharine Brooks, EdD, with modern advice on the job-hunt strategies that are working today, such as building an online resume, making the most of social media tools, and acing virtual interviews. Building on the wisdom of original author Richard N. Bolles, this edition updates the famed Flower Exercise (which walks job seekers through the seven ways of thinking about themselves) and demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing and networking. Specific updates for this edition include the following:

All information regarding employment and labor statistics have been updated throughout
New information about how to find diverse and inclusive organizations for employment
New section on neurodiversity in the workplace
Short discussion on the effects of chronic unemployment and how to overcome them
More information about how to tailor resumes being reviewed by people versus by computers

With the unique and authoritative guidance of WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? job-hunters and career changers will have all the tools to discover--and land--their dream job.

Richard N. Bolles led the job-search field for more than forty years. A member of Mensa and the Society for Human Resource Management, he served as the keynote speaker at hundreds of conferences.

Katharine Brooks, EdD, is an award-winning career counselor and coach who is currently the Evans Family Executive Director of the Career Center for Vanderbilt University. She is a licensed professional counselor, nationally certified counselor, and board-certified coach. Previously, she had been the executive director of the Office of Personal and Career Development at Wake Forest University and director of career services for the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas in Austin.
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Published 2021-12-14 by Ten Speed Press


WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? has been licensed in 27 languages over the years. Current licenses include: Polish/Studio Emka, German/Campus Verlag, Dutch/Nieuwezijds, Vietnamese/TGM and First News, Turkish/Sola Kocluk Egitim, Complex Chinese/Yuan-Liou, Simplified Chinese/Beijing Xiron, and Russian/Exmo.