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Jonathan Beck
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Lost Cultures

Harald Haarmann

25 Forgotten Chapters in Human History

The Old Greeks and Egyptians crowd the history books, but what about the mythical land of gold, Punt, or the Edenic Dilmun? Many cultures’ only remaining traces are found in myths and archaeological testimony. In his intriguing book, Herald Harmann takes up twenty-five such poor relations to show us what we have been missing.

Harman takes his readers to discover stone age settlements at Lake Baikal, tracks the elusive Pelasgians, the pre-Indoeuropean population of Greece, finds the historic truth in the myths of the Amazonian warriors of the Black Sea, explains the extraordinary culture of the Easter Islands that fell due to home made environmental problems, and describes the recently discovered remnants of large settlements in the southern Amazonas region, so far taken for untouched jungle only frequented by hunters and gatherers. The 25 cultures introduced in this book show that human culture has taken more diverse shapes than we usually assume. At a time when the dark sides of our own cultural moment become increasingly apparent, we ought to remember the paths not taken.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406734106

Main content page count: 224 Pages

ISBN: 9783406734106