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User Requirements Know-How

Thomas Geis Knut Polkehn

Integrating Quality of Use into Product Development using Agile and Sustainable Techniques. Training to UXQB® Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience – Advanced Level “User Requirements Engineering” (CPUX-UR)

“User Requirements Engineering” (CPUX-UR) builds a bridge between requirements engineering ...

“User Requirements Engineering” (CPUX-UR) builds a bridge between requirements engineering and human-centered design. It combines the methodological skills and theory of requirements analysis to focus on system users.

This book demonstrates clearly how to utilize user requirements to optimize product quality, usability, and user experience. The authors begin with a solid introduction to usability context analysis, and explain the terms and methods involved in user research and user requirements engineering.

They describe in detail how to create user group profiles, systematically extract usability context descriptions, and how to specify, structure and prioritize user requirements. These sections include discussions on the planning, execution, and documentation of contextual interviews, participatory observation, and focus groups.

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Published by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783864905278

Main content page count: 220 Pages

ISBN: 9783864905278