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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Matthieu Simard

Filling the Void

An end-of-the-world story. A comic novel where they all die.
There are only a few thousand people left on the planet. Well, maybe more, but Montreal doesn't know that. Cut off from the rest of the world since Thursday Five, the survivors have learned how to stay alive, but now they have to learn to live again. For Matthieu, that means starting to date and hook up again. Fearing nothing more than being alone, he embarks on a misguided quest for love and sex in the new order of the world, desperately clutching at anything in his reach, worried that if he doesn't, there'll be nothing left for him.

I'm reflecting on my loneliness when I see her in the distance, walking towards me, her silhouette as blurry as it is unforeseen, and already I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her. Because she's pretty, sure, but mostly because I only have a few hours left to live. You take whatever romance you can get.
I was worried for a while that I was going to be alone until the bitter end, that I'd have nothing to celebrate, nobody to hear my dying breath. It wouldn't have been the end of the world, though. I'd have lived through my death solo, but it eased my mind, just knowing this ravishing stranger would be with me until the last.
Barefoot, she ambles closer, her eyes crazy-glued to the bucolic horror of the clouds gorged with soot melting into the sea. The way she walks reminds me of a supermodel strutting down the catwalk, but it's probably anemia, a fractured pelvis that never properly healed, or just a dislocated body. Sand beneath her feet. With her long grey eyelashes and skeletal face, she's as beautiful as a gemstone that's been polished a little too long, all whittled and wild, her eye sockets caked with salt, rage in every sway of her hips, looking like she's got gum in her mouth but I know she's just biting her tongue so it won't hurt anywhere else.
There's not much happiness around here anymore.

Matthieu Simard is the author of nine novels, including La tendresse attendra (Stanké, 2011) and Llouis qui tombe tout seul (Stanké, 2006), which earned him an Archambault Literary Award nomination. The first book in his Pavel YA series (La courte échelle, 2008-2009) was shortlisted for the 2009 Governor General's Literary Award. More recently, he adapted his bestselling novel Ça sent la coupe (Stanké, 2008) for the big screen. Matthieu has also published two novels with Les Éditions Alto, Ici, ailleurs (2017) and Les Écrivements (2018), which is shortlisted for the 2019 France-Quebec Award.
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Published 2019-10-01 by Stanké