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Christian Dittus
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Urs Zürcher

»Überwintern« (overwinter, overwintering), tells the story of two young men who enlist as mercenaries in East Ukraine in order to counter their boredom, their disillusion and their disgust with the saturated, cynical and dishonest world they live in. A poetic tour de force of the meaninglessness of a masculine world.

Against the background of a world of crises and upheaval, »Überwintern« tells the story of the radicalisation of two young men who could not be more different. Benjamin and Jonas fight in the schoolyard, discover that they were born on the same day, and become friends of sorts. Although many things separate the rebellious Jonas from the career-conscious college student Benjamin, their weariness and boredom in the face of a seemingly pointless world brings them together time and again. The more angry they become, the more insignificant and dishonest their world and their lives become. They have nothing but their unlimited masculinity to oppose a world that appears cynical and shallow. They break off all connections and move east as mercenaries.

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Published 2020-04-28 by bilgerverlag , ISBN: 9783037620847

Main content page count: 430 Pages

ISBN: 9783037620847