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Fritz Agency
Christian Dittus
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Beat Glogger


When the steel door clangs shut behind her, Tina Benz wakes up from her stupor. She doesn't know why she is being detained, and it doesn't help that they told her that Frank Stern is "alive". "Alive" as in "not quite dead"?

The leading neuroscientist Frank Stern develops brain-machine-interfaces, electronic devices that are linked with a person's neural system. Tina, his brilliant assistant, found Frank unconscious in front of the institute, with no trace of who attacked him. The analysis of his cell phone shows hundreds of phone calls from unidentified callers just before the aussault. Police begin their investigations, and Tina gets caught up in contradictions.

Stern falls into a locked-in syndrome, but Tina manages to tap his brain waves and to communicate with him. He knows who attacked him, but he doesn't tell her. And then he is attacked again...

Beat Glogger combines cutting-edge science with a personal story to a fast-paced thriller that asks crucial ethical questions in the guise of a chilling story.

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Published 2019-02-01 by Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag , ISBN: 9783724523246

Main content page count: 280 Pages

ISBN: 9783724523246