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Claire Harris
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Geoffrey Girard

TRUTHERS is a YA novel that explores the controversy of the 9/11 Truth movement, and the historic records of that fateful day. In this book a teen girl discovers her father (and she) may be part of the American government's plot to cause 9/11.
Katie Wallace had never given much thought to 9/11. She’d been only two when terrorists struck America and the ensuing fifteen years had gradually relegated the tragic event solely to history books. But when her father is locked up for claiming to know what really happened that momentous day, Katie’s life, and connection to 9/11, changes forever. He insists he has evidence on who the real wrongdoers are, a nightmare conspiracy that will shatter America’s beliefs. More shocking, he claims that Katie herself is living proof, a survivor, of that true story.

To save her father, and discover her own past, Katie must navigate the clouded and secretive world of ‘The Truthers.’ A world of fact and fiction, of questions and distortion. With the help of close friends and new allies, and as she’s drawn into an ever more-deadly web of lies and long-hidden events, Katie finds the strength and trust within herself to face those trying to prevent the truth from being known.

Geoffrey Girard is a high school teacher living on Ohio. He is a dynamic speaker who's routinely invited to events and schools. His books CAIN’S BLOOD (Adult Thriller) and PROJECT CAIN (YA Thriller) were shortlisted for the Bram Stoker Award and PROJECT CAIN was officially nominated for a 2013 Stoker Award for “Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel”. He has a MA in Creative Writing, has had more than 60 short stories published, and is a regular presenter/speaker at conventions and colleges.
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Published 2017-08-01 by Lerner Publishing


Published 2017-08-01 by Lerner Publishing


A beautifully written, captivating must-have that will hook readers from beginning to end. Girard has created a well-developed, quirky, tenacious main character for whom teens can't help but root.

With compelling characters and non-stop action, Truthers will leave you thinking.

[Truthers] moves at a fast clip, and readers will get caught up in both the conspiracy construct (actual Truther theories are explored) and the romance that is as tangled as the web of confusion surrounding September 11.

In this intense thriller... Girard takes readers down a disturbing, provocative path; both sides start to make sense as information is revealed and theories are debated. It's a fast-paced nail-biter with a resourceful heroine, packed with surprises that force readers to question every revelation and take nothing at face value.

Examines one of the most critically-regarded events in history through the eyes of a tenacious teen who kept me up at night, challenging the things I'd previously regarded as fact. A deep, yet approachable story, both thrilling and touching.

Girard is a skilled storyteller, weaving history and conspiracy into a thriller that's bold, smart, and impossible to put down.

A book teens will love. History, mystery, romance, action, and intrigue--all in one!