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Brandon Webb John David Mann

Make Better Decisions Under Pressure

A former Navy SEAL sniper turned media CEO and New York Times bestselling author shows how applying the lessons of the SEALs—especially the ability to focus under pressure—can help anyone in business.
Brandon Webb was a distinguished Navy SEAL sniper who served four deployments in the Middle East, Afghanistan, and Africa. After returning to civilian life, he started his first business venture—and failed miserably. He realized that his big mistake was neglecting to apply what he already knew about focus under pressure. By drawing on the lessons of his SEAL training and early business struggles, Webb went on to build a second business, a media network called Force12, which today has an audience of millions and a valuation close to $100 million.

Through stories from his own life and combat experience, as well as those of other great entrepreneurs and Special Operations warriors-turned-businesspeople, Webb explores seven hard-won principles of business success. For instance:

· Laser focus is not the same thing as tunnel vision. You need total situational awareness to stay out of danger and adapt to changing circumstances.
· Once the first shot is fired, nothing goes according to plan anyway, so don’t get stuck in the trap of over-analysis. The key is to act decisively and adapt on the fly.
·I nstead of avoiding difficult experiences, “embrace the suck” and understand that pain is temporary and learning is priceless. Facing challenging obstacles forces you to develop the skills you need to achieve your goals.

Brandon Webb is a former US Navy SEAL sniper, entrepreneur, and CEO of Force12 Media, the largest online military content network. He served four deployments to the Middle East, Africa, and Afghanistan and was a course master at the SEAL sniper school (graduating snipers such as Chris Kyle and Marcus Luttrell) before leaving the service and eventually starting his own digital media company. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Red Circle and Among Heroes, among other books. (This is his first business book—his previous have been strictly military titles.) John David Mann is Webb’s coauthor on The Red Circle and Among Heroes, as well as the bestseller The Go-Giver with Bob Burg.
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Published 2017-08-15 by Portfolio


Published 2017-08-15 by Portfolio


Brandon Webb’s transition from Navy SEAL to CEO provides inspiring insights on how leaders lead. Reading this book challenged me to raise my own personal leadership bar!

Brandon has done a spectacular job at paying forward proven principles that will help you achieve greatness in your personal and professional lives. I highly recommend this book!

What do the training, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills of a Navy SEAL have to with running a successful business? As it turns out, just about everything. And you won’t find a better guide and mentor than Brandon Webb, former Navy SEAL sniper turned hugely successful CEO. In Total Focus, Webb and Mann provide a game plan based on the mind-set and skill sets that will result in a business that you’re passionate about, that is lucrative, and that provides extreme value to those you serve.

What an incredible ride! Watching as a former Navy SEAL sniper approaches the challenges and complexities in growing from start-up to $100 million–plus in five short years is a master class in business and leadership.

Russian: OOO Alpina

The most engaging, exciting business book you’ll ever read.