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Sebastian Ritscher
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Dow Phumiruk Patthana Sornhiran Susan Hood

The True Cave Rescue of the Thai Soccer Team

TITAN AND THE WILD BOARS is the remarkable true story of twelve boys and their football coach who went exploring in the Tham Luang Caves in Chiang Rai, Thailand, only to become trapped inside.
Don't miss the breathtaking true story of the international rescue of the Wild Boars soccer team from a flooded cave in Thailand!
One afternoon, eleven-year-old Titan, his friends from the Wild Boars soccer team, and their coach rode their bikes to explore local caves. They crawled through the narrow tunnels in the dark to reach the center of the cave. When they turned to go home, heavy rains had flooded the tunnel. They were trapped!

With rising waters and monsoon season upon them, time and oxygen were running out. The world watched with bated breath as rescuers from around the globe joined forces to try to free the boys. After eighteen harrowing days, in an unprecedented effort of international teamwork, they were finally saved.

Award-winning author Susan Hood and journalist Pathana Sornhiran based this picture book on Sornhiran's first-hand reporting of the event, and Dow Phumiruk's beautiful illustrations bring the story to life. The book also includes a timeline and back matter with additional resources.

As a child, Susan Hood never understood why mothers worked inside the house and fathers worked outside. But her mother urged her to pursue things she hadn't had-a good education and a career. After graduating from Smith College, Susan launched a career as a book and magazine editor at Scholastic, Sesame Street, and Nick Jr., with a dream of someday writing her own picture books. Today, she is the author of more than 200 children's books including Ada's Violin, the 2017 winner of the Christopher Award and Bank Street's Flora Steiglitz Straus Award, given annually to "a distinguished work of nonfiction which serves as an inspiration to young people." Visit

Pathana Sornhiran was born in Bangkok, Thailand, where she attended the Faculty of Arts at Chulalongkorn University with a major in English and French. She later completed her master's degree in journalism in London, UK and now works as a journalist in Asia, traveling across the region to find and tell stories that matter.

Dow Phumiruk was born in Bangkok, Thailand and came to live in the United States when she was about three years old. She loves children and sharing stories. Dow has been a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators since 2011. She's the author of the recently released picture book, MELA AND THE ELEPHANT and the illustrator of COUNTING ON KATHERINE: HOW KATHERINE JOHNSON SAVED APOLLO 13. She also illustrated MAYA LIN: ARTIST-ARCHITECT OF LIGHT AND LINES, which received starred reviews, was a Junior Library Guild Selection, and was featured on many "best books of 2017" roundups. Dow is a pediatrician who lives with her husband and children in Colorado. They own a dwarf rabbit, a bearded dragon, and a chubby hamster.
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Published 2019-05-01 by HarperCollins


Published 2019-05-01 by HarperCollins