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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Philippa Gregory

Bestselling author and the queen of royal fiction Philippa Gregory embarks on new territories with The Fairmile series, a sweeping historical saga about ordinary women from one family over 250 years, spanning the UK, US, and Africa.
Midsummer's Eve, 1648, and England is in the grip of a civil war between a renegade king and a rebellious parliament. The struggle reaches every corner of the kingdom, even to the remote Tidelandsthe marshy landscape of the south coast.

Alinor, a descendant of wise women, trapped in poverty and superstition, waits in the graveyard under the full moon for a ghost who will declare her free from her abusive husband. Instead, she meets James, a young man on the run, and shows him the secret ways across the treacherous marsh, not knowing she is leading disaster into the heart of her life.

Suspected of possessing dark secrets in superstitious times, Alinor's ambition and determination mark her out from her neighbors. This is the time of witch-mania, and Alinor, a woman without a husband, skilled with herbs, suddenly enriched, arouses envy in her rivals and fear among the villagers, who are ready to take lethal action into their own hands.

No other author surpasses Gregory's ability to take "women out of their secondary places.placing them stage center in starring roles" (Booklist). Tidelands is a compelling achievement that launches an exciting new era in her illustrious career.

Philippa Gregory is the author of many New York Times bestselling novels, including The Other Boleyn Girl, and is a recognized authority on women's history. Many of her works have been adapted for the screen including The Other Boleyn Girl. Her most recent novel, The Last Tudor, is now in production for a television series. She graduated from the University of Sussex and received a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, where she is a Regent. She holds honorary degrees from Teesside University and the University of Sussex. She is a fellow of the Universities of Sussex and Cardiff and was awarded the 2016 Harrogate Festival Award for Contribution to Historical Fiction. She is an honorary research fellow at Birkbeck, University of London. She founded Gardens for the Gambia, a charity to dig wells in poor rural schools in The Gambia, and has provided nearly 200 wells.
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Published 2019-08-20


Published 2019-08-20


UK: Simon & Schuster UK ; Brazil: Record ; Hungary: Libri ; Israel: Opus ; Poland: Publicat ; Portugal: Planeta ; Romania: Polirom ; Sweden: Modernist

History buffs and Gregory's fans alike will be anticipating the next installment. Read more...

Link to author's website announcing the title, TIDELANDS.

This is Gregory par excellence. A promising start to a family saga about ordinary people.

interview from the Thursday, May 30th PW Show Daily Read more...

A gripping novel... With her usual meticulous attention to detail, the author easily elicits the chaos and dangers of the mid-17th century... This book will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series. Fans of Gregory's works and of historicals in general will delight in this page-turning tale.