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Ursula K. Le Guin

Selected Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin - Volume Two: Outer Space, Inner Lands

Outer Space, Inner Lands includes many of the best known Ursula K. Le Guin nonrealistic stories (such as "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas," "Semley's Necklace," and "She Unnames Them") which have shaped the way many readers see the world. She gives voice to the voiceless, hope to the outsider, and speaks truth to power—all the time maintaining her independence and sense of humor.

Companion volume Where on Earth explores Le Guin's satirical, risky, political and experimental earthbound stories. Both volumes include new introductions by the author.

"She is the reigning queen of - but immediately we come to a difficulty, for what is the fitting name of her kingdom? Or, in view of her abiding concern with the ambiguities of gender, her queendom, or perhaps - considering how she likes to mix and match - her quinkdom? Or may she more properly be said to have not one such realm, but two?" - Margaret Atwood

"She is a splendid short-story writer.... Fiction, like Borges's, that finds its life in the interstices between the borders of speculative fiction and realism." - San Francisco Chronicle

"Ursula Le Guin's prose breathes light and intelligence. She can lift fiction to the level of poetry and compress it to the density of allegory." - Jonathan Lethem

"Like all great writers of fiction, Ursula K. Le Guin creates imaginary worlds that restore us, hearts eased, to our own." - The Boston Globe

"Admirers of fine literature, fantastic or not, will cherish this rich offering." - Publishers Weekly
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Published 2012-11-01 by Small Beer Press