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The UNESCO World Heritage

Monuments of humankind – Wonders of nature

+ All Natural and Cultural Heritage sites in one volume + Detailed information and descriptions of all the + UNESCO World Heritage sites + Superb colour photography

For a landscape, a monument or an urban ensemble to be inscribed in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites they need to be one thing above all: a part of the legacy of all mankind, the heritage of the world‘s population that needs to be protected. To date, more than 1,000 sites, monuments and natural spaces have been inscribed as the »Heritage of Humanity« according to the rules of UNESCO, and benefi t from a specially protected status. The compact volume presents all the World Heritage sites with superb photographs. Informative texts provide background information, and maps help to locate each site.

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Published by Kunth , ISBN: 9783955047580

Main content page count: 800 Pages

ISBN: 9783955047580