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The Summons of Centuries Past

Zhang Yawen

Reflections on Hong Kong : A True Account

What sort of changes has Hong Kong seen in the eighteen years since its return to China. And what sort of support has the motherland provided to Hong Kong's development? The author has strived to portray the reality of post-return Hong Kong, including: the tests faced by the PLA's Hong Kong garrison (as well as its achievements); the path to success and the contributions of a number of Hong Kong's elites; charity in Hong Kong; the lives of the city's people, as well as its culture, media, and education; the origins of clean governance in Hong Kong; the challenges the city faces, and its prospects. The author has written the truth of Hong Kong post-return. Some chapters, particularly the one on clean governance, go beyond simply portraying Hong Kong's success; they hold instructive value for both the mainland and many other countries and regions.
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Published by China Publishing Group , ISBN: 9781908647757

Main content page count: 384 Pages

ISBN: 9781908647757