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Sebastian Ritscher


William Irvine

A Philosopher's Guide to Becoming Tougher, Calmer, and More Resilient

Ancient Stoic insights combined with modern psychological research help us overcome - and even benefit from - everyday obstacles.
Some people bounce back in response to setbacks; others break. We often think that these responses are hardwired, but fortunately this is not the case. Philosopher William B. Irvine combines key lessons from the ancient Stoics - thinkers including Marcus Aurelius and Seneca - with modern psychological techniques such as anchoring and framing to develop a surprisingly simple strategy for dealing with life's unpleasant surprises. These include minor setbacks like being caught in a traffic jam or having a flight cancelled, as well as major setbacks, like those experienced by physicist Stephen Hawking, who slowly lost the ability to move, and surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost an arm to a shark. By using the updated Stoic strategy, we can transform life's setbacks into opportunities for becoming calmer, tougher, and more resilient. The Stoic Challenge is a practical guide to using centuries-old wisdom to help us better cope with the stresses of modern living. William B. Irvine is professor of philosophy at Wright State University. The author of seven books, including A Guide to the Good Life, he has also written for the Huffington Post, Salon, Time, and the BBC. He lives in Dayton, Ohio.
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Published 2019-09-03 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


Bill Irvine does it again: he uses ancient Stoicism, updated with modern findings from psychological research, to challenge us to become better human beings.

The Stoic Challenge is the ultimate mental fitness program. You'll whip your fortitude into shape with exercises like negative visualization, reframing, and other Stoic principles and practices that have helped humans lead calmer, happier lives for millennia.

Irvine is a warm and friendly Stoic, and one of the great guides through the subject. His congenial writing offers strategies for the anxiety-free, supple kind of sturdiness with which we should all be greeting ourselves and the world.

The Stoic Challenge is a beautifully engaging account of how to approach life with a particular gem of Stoic wisdom as your guide. I can see this book benefitting many people in their daily lives, and I'm sure they'll go on to recommend it to their friends.

Korea: Across Publishing Group ; Japanese: NHK Publishing

THE STOIC CHALLENGE is currently the #1 new release in History of Philosophy on Amazon (Sept. 20, 2019)

While it's a commonplace that we can change our minds, this book shows us how we can also reframe our emotions in ways that liberate us from the grip of thoughts and feelings that can keep a good person down. A promising blend of classical Stoicism and trailblazing psychology.

Every startup founder knows that startups, no matter how successful they appear from the outside, are actually beset with setbacks. The best founders retain equanimity and energy regardless. This book shows how the philosophy of Stoicism can be directly applied to the process of building companies and making new things in the world.