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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Todd Moss

THE SHADOW LIST is a cutting-edge novel of international crime and its consequences from Nigeria to Russia to Washington and beyond.
We laugh when it pops up in our inbox: the scam letter promising a windfall. We wonder: How does anybody fall for these things? But it is no laughing matter. It is one of the biggest organized crime rackets in the world, it is deadly—and US State Department crisis manager Judd Ryker has fallen right into the middle of it.

The disappearance of a young American in London sends Ryker into the heart of a corruption scandal in Nigeria, at the same time that his CIA agent wife Jessica finds herself chasing a Russian master criminal known as the Bear. Unknown to either of them, they are pulling at two ends of the same lethal thread, a staggeringly vicious enterprise of piracy, extortion, and murder.
“The world is messy and dangerous,” Jessica warns her husband. “More dangerous than you know.” But he is about to find out.

THE SHADOW LIST is book #4 in the bestselling Judd Ryker series. The previous titles are The Golden Hour, Minute Zero, and Ghosts of Havana.

Todd Mossis the chief operating officer and a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development, a Washington DC think tank, and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. In 2007 and 2008, he served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, where he was responsible for diplomatic relations with sixteen West African countries. Previously, Moss worked at the World Bank and the Economist Intelligence Unit, and taught at the London School of Economics.
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Published 2017-09-05 by Putnam


Published 2017-09-05 by Putnam


A thrilling novel! The Shadow List exposes the intricate world of organised crime and our own modest efforts to tackle the behemoth. Todd Moss has enriched this story with his gripping style and engaging prose. I see myself in these pages, and it makes me nostalgic.

Moss's rewarding fourth Judd Ryker political thriller... fans will be happy to follow the couple into whatever trouble the U.S. government has in store for them.

Moss, once a top State Department Africanist, ramps up the suspense and the action well into the red zone. His sketch of Nigeria is fascinating and edgy. The world really is messy and dangerous, and Moss brings it all to vivid life.

Fascinating characters populate the pages... The action moves swiftly from Langley to Lagos to Saint Petersburg, with hardly time for a quiet bowl of borscht - trouble is always boiling, danger always present. But living on the edge for the CIA is a career well suited for Judd and Jessica, because they thrive on tension and challenge. The two are smart, appealing characters readers will enjoy spending a few hours with. Far more action than diplomacy in this page-flipping yarn. Fans of diplomatic thrillers will love this one.