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Alexander Dobler
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The Second Revolution: The Heritage

Costa Alcalá

Vol. 1 of 3 (Vol. 3 to be published in 2019)

* 1920s European atmosphere in a fantasy magical setting. * Fit for readers of all cultures. * Easy to Internationalize and translate.

In their surprise bestseller in Spain in 2017, Costa Alcalá take a new and innovative

approach to the genre of the fantasy saga, in a dystopian European setting, with the

shadows of a dictatorial past lurking: Before the Revolution there were ten Families, one

for each kind of power. Now there are only eight. Aura disappeared. About Dominion,

the Imperial Family, only bad memories remain. Almost twenty years later, the students

of the Guard Lycée in Blyd learn about their magical powers in order to protect a society

living in peace for years. However, when the shadow of Dominion rises again upon the

country, a group of students will have to face the secrets of the past… without unveiling
