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Clint Emerson

The Modern Guide to Self-Reliance

An approachable and comprehensive guide to living off-the-grid and increasing self-sufficiency, from New York Times bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and survival skills expert Clint Emerson. This book is both for those looking to live completely off-the-grid and for anyone simply interested in becoming more self-sufficient even while living a modern lifestyle.
New York Times bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and survival skills expert Clint Emerson is the go-to-expert for surviving the first minutes, hours, and days of a crisis. Now, in THE RUGGED LIFE, he moves beyond mere survival to explain how to thrive over the long-term - for months, years, or even a lifetime, by being self-reliant. And it starts with learning how to be a modern homesteader.

Modern homesteading applies purposeful living and pioneering knowhow (efficient home building, gardening, raising animals, hunting, being handy, situational awareness) to the challenges of today. It's about pushing yourself a little (or a lot). Whether you decide to farm your own food and use waste from your toilet for compost, or retro-fit your home with solar and keep a chicken coop in the backyard or simply grow the salad for your dinner from your windowsill garden in a city, it's up to you. You can homestead and live a rugged life in a suburb or in the middle of your twenty-acre sanctuary. It's all on the same spectrum.

With hundreds of step-by-step illustrated pioneering skills and projects, THE RUGGED LIFE is for everyone who feels they can use more adventure, freedom, and choice in their lives and is ready to get out of their comfort zone and try new, hard things. Taking on the Rugged Life means thinking about how you want to live and what you want for your family - and then being curious, confident, and committed enough to take on whatever is thrown at you.

Clint Emerson is a retired Navy SEAL with twenty years of service with the Special Operations community. He served as a SEAL operator at SEAL Team Three, the NSA, and SEAL Team Six. He is the founder of Escape the Wolf, which focuses on crisis management for global companies both large and small. His 100 Deadly Skills books have netted nearly 500k copies, and he has been featured in the NYT, Wall Street Journal, Men's Health, and Outside magazine, as well as Fox News, Dr. Oz, and other news shows. Currently, he's starring on SAS Australia, a survival and boot-camp style competition reality show.
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Published 2022-05-10 by Rodale


The Rugged Life is not for everyone. But if you think you are up to the challenge of living a more self-sufficient lifestyle, this book is a great place to start.

The past two years have reminded us that society is fragile. As citizens it is our responsibility to be as self-reliant as possible. Add The Rugged Life by former Navy SEAL Clint Emerson to your library today and get on the path to independence and self-sufficiency. It's on my shelf. Make sure it's on yours!

The Rugged Life is essential reading for anyone wanting to get in touch with nature and live a life that's a little more healthy, sustainable, and free. Drawing on his expertise as a retired SEAL, Clint Emerson meets aspiring homesteaders where they are and empowers them to succeed in their particular circumstances, whether that means going completely off the grid or raising a few chickens in the backyard.