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Alison Lester

'Biddy, I'm sorry, we're going to have to leave her.' - 'What?' Biddy struggled out of the quicksand. 'You can't leave her! The tide's coming in. She'll drown!'
But the pony is trapped and Biddy is forced to go on without her. Next day the only signs of Bella are hoofprints in the sand with small footprints and the paw marks of a dog. Who could be so small and be alone on this remote beach? Biddy's search takes her into wild secret country where she discovers the truth about a mysterious disappearance that happened many years ago. Alison Lester's picture books are loved by families all around the world. In this gripping adventure story, set in the Australian bush she knows so well, she reveals herself as a born storyteller. Alison Lester is the well-known creator of many popular and award-winning children's books, many of which reflect her own country childhood. She has written two novels for older children, The Quicksand Pony and The Snow Pony. Her picture books include Magic Beach, Imagine, My Farm, Alison Lester's ABC and Yikes!. Alison visits schools in Australia and has been writer in residence and guest speaker at international festivals. She is involved in many community art projects, and travelled to Antarctica to run the Kids Antarctic Art Project. Alison spends part of every year travelling to remote Indigenous communities, using her books to help children and adults write and draw about their own lives. Alison Lester was Australia's Children's Laureate in 2012 and 2013.
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Published 2016-06-01 by Allen & Unwin


we recently had two Australian producers vying for film rights and have just signed an option one of them – Zizani Films.