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Daniel Peterson Leonard Zaichkowsky

How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level

Discover how to improve your mental game - the next frontier in sports training - to become the Playmaker on the court, rink or field.
Coaches search for it. Parents dream of it. Fans love it. Athletes want it.

The Playmaker on any sports team possesses it: an elusive, intangible quality combining anticipation, perception, and decision-making skills. This quality raises their game above the competition and allows them to pass when no one else can, anticipate the movement of opponents, and avoid costly mental mistakes, thus holding the team together.

Using today's technology and tools, it is now possible to understand, assess, and train this sixth sense rather than just hope it magically appears. Now, for the first time, cognitive science research is revealing the secrets of the Playmaker's keen sense of awareness. Just as tests of speed, strength, and agility have provided a baseline of physiological biomarkers, youth sports coaches can now capture cognitive metrics including attention, pattern recognition, anticipation, and the ability to take quick, decisive action during the chaos of competition.

The Playmaker's Advantage is a groundbreaking book that will educate developing athletes, along with their parents and coaches, about this essential creative capability in an accessible, easy to understand method.

Daniel Peterson, M.S. is a writer and consultant specializing in the intersection of neuroscience and sports performance. With over 25 years of technology management experience, it was his second life as a sports dad that ignited his popular blog, Sports Are 80 Percent Mental, with over 500,000 cumulative page views, followed by invitations to contribute to several sports and neuroscience media outlets. Today, he has over 350 science-based articles spread across the web.
Leonard Zaichkowsky, PhD, a professor, researcher and consultant for almost four decades at Boston University, pioneered sport psychology by bringing cognitive neuroscience and sport performance together as an interdisciplinary science. His academic textbooks and research publications demonstrated the importance of an athlete's remarkable brain in anticipating and acting on opportunities during competition.
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Published 2018-06-12 by Gallery Books / Jeter Publishing


Published 2018-06-12 by Gallery Books / Jeter Publishing