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Susanne Simor
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The Most Intriguing Places of the Ancient World

Martin Zimmermann

Haunted Houses, Hanging Gardens and the Ends of the Earth

Forget everything you think you know about the ancient world and look forward to a journey to gardens of love and ancient libraries of the Orient, to golden horse stables in Pharaonic Egypt and ghost houses in Athens, to pirate sites in the mountains and to the center of the world.

Beyond the Forum Romanum and the Acropolis, there are places no Latin teacher has ever told you about. These include the once mighty Eridu, in the consciousness of the Sumerians the primeval city of the world, as well as the tomb of the Egyptian ruler Cleopatra in Alexandria - symbol of one of mankind's greatest love stories - and the city of elephants in the Middle East, where tens of thousands of animals were bred because the surrounding kingdoms wanted to equip their armies with them. And then mysterious places of a distant past await us, where disturbing rituals were performed, such as in the sanctuary of the Gula in Isin with its dog cult or in that city in Gaul, where the Celts fitted skulls of slain enemies into their front doors, which can still be seen today. Martin Zimmermann, one of the best connoisseurs of antiquity, leads to these and many other strange places of an unknown antiquity in his clever and entertaining book.

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Published by C.H.Beck

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