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Dino Zanolli
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The Long Shelf

Reinhold Ruthe

Put an End to Procrastination

 Top daily life topic  Bestselling and renowned guidebook author  Reinhold Ruthe’s books have an overall print run of 1 million copies

Laundry ready for ironing, piles of magazines to be read, a list of daily chores … Happily they all sit together on the shelf, where they have been put, enjoying not to be taken care of. But procrastination renders you discontent. Do not let yourself be bossed around by unfinished tasks, but rein in whatever presses you. Set yourself free from old habits. This book will show you the way to a new confident lifestyle. 

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Published 2011-07-01 by Kawohl Verlag , ISBN: 9783880870178

Main content page count: 160 Pages

ISBN: 9783880870178