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Gregg Loomis

The murder of a family friend leads Lang Reilly on a frantic search for answers from ancient caves in Germany to the secret catacombs beneath the Vatican.
Gregg Loomis was born in Atlanta, Georgia, he spent his youth traveling the world, and has worked as a commercial pilot, a racecar driver, and a lawyer specializing in commercial litigation. When THE PEGASUS SECRETintroduced the world to lawyer Lang Reilly; Loomis charted that character’s globetrotting adventures through five more novels: THE COPTIC SECRET, THE CATHAR SECRET, THE SINAI SECRET, THE JULIAN SECRET, and THE BONAPARTE SECRET. They have been and continue to be international successes in translation (Loomis is published in Bulgaria by Bard & Ciela, Estonia by Ersen, French Canada by Modus Vivendi, Holland by Karakter, Indonesia by Penerbit Kenisius & Penerbit Tandabaca, Russia by Eksmo, Spain by Styria de Ediciones, and Turkey by Pegasus. Now at home with Turner Publishing, Loomis is back to writing Lang Reilly thrillers with three new ones on the come: THE POISON SECRET, THE NASSAU SECRET, and THE ELIZABETHAN SECRET.
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Published 2023-10-11 by Thomas & Mercer


Dan Brown's fans will find The Julian Secret a delight.

I could not put this book down! As usual, Loomis kept me involved and surprised until the end. A highly recommended read.

The international setting and fast-paced action grip, and fortunately, Loomis's convincing protagonist possesses the intelligence and emotional depth to carry the reader… Readers looking to repeat The DaVinci Code experience will be satisfied.