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The first kiss. The sentimental education of our children

Barbara Tamborini Alberto Pellai

A book triggering in parents a positive memory still alive in their mementos from adolescence. A handbook to sentimental education explaining how to avoid being absentee or intrusive parents and what to do and not to do to prevent mistakes.

In the past the first kiss was dreamt of, longed for, and longawaited. And today?

In a time when everything happens too soon, and love and sexuality of the youngest are on the fast track, the risk is that nobody takes care of educating them to feelings and to

affection. The best seller parenting authors Alberto Pellai and Barbara Tamborini help us to lay the foundations of a constructive dialogue with our sons and daughters on the themes of love and sexuality, of affection and emotions. The book deals with crucial issues in the sentimental education of the digital natives, that often parents cannot

guard. The book contains remarks of affection and on the things that parents should know or think to relate with preadolescents and educate them to feelings and love. A

journey into the story of the first 40 kisses: loving or stolen kisses, unexpected or spoilt kisses, kisses that got stuck like small or big scars in the emotional memory of their protagonists.

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Published by deAgostini , ISBN: 9788851167677

Main content page count: 256 Pages

ISBN: 9788851167677