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Sebastian Ritscher
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Ian Bremmer

How Three Threats - and Our Response - Will Change the World

In this book, political scientist Ian Bremmer draws lessons from global challenges of the past 100 years - including the pandemic - to show how we can respond to three great crises unfolding over the next decade.
Bremmer details how domestic and international conflicts leave us dangerously unprepared to face a trio of life-altering and looming crises - global health emergencies, transformative climate change, and the AI revolution. Today, we are fighting one another over everything, and U.S. and Chinese leaders are behaving as if they're locked in a new Cold War. By waging various forms of war over questions that aren't truly crises, they are missing opportunities to work with one another and with others to meet the real challenges facing all of us. In coming years, world leaders will face viruses that are both more infectious and more deadly. Intensifying climate change will have dramatic geopolitical effects that put millions of refugees in flight and force us to reimagine how we build cities. Most dangerous of all, new technologies will disrupt our lives and destabilize our societies faster than we can understand their implications.

The good news? The book shows how we can use the lessons of the pandemic - and history - to meet the challenges of climate change, disruptive technologies, our dysfunctional political climate, and more. World political leaders, business decision-makers, and individual citizens are already working together on all these crises. The question that should keep us awake is whether they will work well enough and quickly enough to limit the fallout - and, most importantly, whether we can use these crises to innovate our way toward a better world. Drawing inspiration from sources as diverse as the Marshall Plan, the New Deal, and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Bremmer sets forth a roadmap for survival that shows governments, corporations, and individual citizens how to achieve a new world order that can fulfill the promise that 20th-century globalism made but could not keep.

Bremmer describes, in order, the three global crises we stand to face over the next decade, and offer advice on how to offset them or at least shield ourselves from their worst effects.

Ian Bremmer is a political scientist who helps business leaders, policymakers, and the general public make sense of the world around them. He is president and founder of Eurasia Group, the world's leading political risk research and consulting firm, and GZERO Media, a company dedicated to providing intelligent and engaging coverage of international affairs. Ian is also the author of ten books, including the New York Times bestseller Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism which examines the rise of populism across the world and The J Curve.
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Published 2022-05-01 by Simon & Schuster


Ian Bremmer's great talent is in helping us understand, in the most human terms, what must be done to protect the only world we have, and how we might do it. He takes on tomorrow's questions from unexpected angles and provides us with food for thought to nourish us for many years to come. Essential reading for an anxious planet.

We are living in revolutionary times. Politics, geopolitics, technology, globalization are upending the established order. If you are wondering how to make sense of it all, read this excellent book. Ian Bremmer is always intelligent and perceptive and once again, he delivers!

We live in an era of cascading international crises. "The Power of Crisis," Ian Bremmer's provocative and hopeful new book, reveals how and why these global emergencies have opened windows of opportunity that we dare not waste.

If you waver between perplexed and panicked about the state of the world, my go-to guru on geopolitics is here with a dose of insight and a dash of hope. Ian Bremmer always challenges me to think deeper and broader, and in this eye-opening read he illuminates the possible paths forward on public health, politics, climate, and technology.

Albanian: Minerva ; Italian: EGEA ; Japanese: Nikkei

Bremmer's account is notable for its clear prose and concision... The author's entirely reasonable solutions involve government action, self-sacrifice, and tolerance of opposing opinions, all of which are in short supply at the moment. An expert analysis.

As always Ian Bremmer gives us a lucid and courageous analysis of the dramatic challenges our world is facing. He presents a set of proposals that world leaders should seriously consider.