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Lili Wilkinson

A gripping young adult novel about an ordinary girl who is unsuspectingly inducted into a mysterious modern-day cult.
Ruby Jane Galbraith is empty. Her family has been torn apart and it’s all her fault. The only thing that makes sense to her is Fox - a gentle new friend who is wise, soulful and clever, yet oddly naïve about the ways of the world. He understands what she's going through and offers her a chance to feel at peace. Fox belongs to a group who see the world differently - and Ruby can't stay away from him. So she is drawn into a secretive community that she discovers - far too late - is terrifyingly far from the ideal world she expected. How much can Ruby endure before she can find the courage to escape? Is there any way she can save Fox too? And is there ever really an escape from the far-reaching influence of the Institute of the Sublime? Based on extensive research, Lili Wilkinson delivers a suspenseful, action-packed novel set in the underbelly of a chillingly fascinating contemporary real-world cult. Lili Wilkinson is the award-winning author of ten YA novels, including Scatterheart, Pink and Green Valentine which have been published in seven countries. Lili has a PhD in Creative Writing, and lives in Melbourne.
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Published 2016-08-01 by Allen & Unwin


A brilliant, searing trip into the world of cults and brainwashing. Her best book yet.