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Gwendoline Smith

How to Stop the Cycle of Worry

Overthinking, ruminating, worrying: best- selling author Gwendoline Smith explains this common form of anxiety and offers helpful advice for overcoming it.
The word overthinking is often used these days instead of 'worrying'. It's also known as ruminating and it's a form of anxiety statistics show that about one in five people suffer from it. Psychologist and bestselling author Gwendoline Smith (more than 10,000 copies sold of The Book of Knowing) uses her broad scientific knowledge and experience to explain in clear and simple language the concepts of positive and negative overthinking, the myths of worry and the What-If Cycle. She helps you understand what's going on in your head, using lots of examples and anecdotes, and she offers powerful strategies to help you overcome these issues. Based on Cognitive Behavioural Theory, this book will help you in all the key areas of relationships, work and money. Gwendoline Smith is a clinical psychologist, speaker, blogger and the author of the books The Book of Knowing, Depression Explained and Sharing the Load. She also goes by the name Dr Know.
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Published 2020-02-01 by Allen & Unwin


USA: Andrews McMeel ; UK: Atlantic Books ; Chinese (compl.): Ecus ; Chinese (simpl): Beijing United Creadion Culture Media ; Indonesian: Shira Media Group ; Korean: Yemun Publishing Co ; Japanese: CCC Media House ; Turkish: Kitap