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Morfemplus publishing
Peter Kealjic
Original language

The Best of All series - MY SISTER

Polona Lovšin Helena Kraljič

translated into English by Nada Marija Grošelj and Jason Blake

In front of us we have the words of a little brother whose big sister, at least at the beginning, gets a little (or a lot!) on his nerves… Of course she does: she always wants to be the boss, she’s always making up the rules, she thinks her brother has to obey her and that she’s the smartest person in the world… Is there anything more impossible than having an older sister? But the brother doesn’t really believe that! I wish you bon voyage as you travel through the galaxy, brave brother. Growing up with an older sister is indeed the greatest adventure in the world.
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Published by Morfem

Main content page count: 32 Pages