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The Art of Seeing

Manfred Kriegelstein

Making the Invisible Visible with Your Camera

“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.”

“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.”

Ansel Adams made his famous quote more than 50 years ago when analog shooting meant that every photo had to be carefully considered and composed before the shutter was released.

Nowadays, photography has become fast and cheap, and huge numbers of new photos are being captured all the time.

With this book, Manfred Keigelstein takes you out of “autopilot” shooting mode and away from the technical and aspirational triggers that often characterize a modern photographer’s daily routine. He takes you back to the roots of photography and sharpens the visual sense that makes it all possible.

Seeing the world photographically goes way beyond the simple cognitive act of visual perception. It requires attention, concentration, and patience to register the tiny features and inconspicuous details of your surroundings, and to use available light to transform them into the basis for a successful image.

Kriegelstein uses his own work to demonstrate a conceptual approach to photography and how to achieve highly artistic results. The individual chapters illustrate completely different ways to create better photographs through careful planning and a photographer’s vigilant eye.

He also records his own thoughts on photography in a series of short essays that are sure to stimulate new ideas in everyone who owns a camera.

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Published by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783864904905

Main content page count: 208 Pages

ISBN: 9783864904905