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Todd Kashdan

How to Dissent and Defy Effectively

A highly practical and research-based toolbox for anyone who wants to create a world with more justice, creativity, and courage.
For too long, the term insubordination has evoked negative feelings and mental images. But for ideas to evolve and societies to progress, it's vital to cultivate rebels who are committed to challenging conventional wisdom and improving on it. Change never comes easily. And most would-be rebels lack the skills to overcome hostile audiences who cling desperately to the way things are.

Based on cutting-edge research, The Art of Insubordination is the essential guide for anyone seeking to be heard, make change, and rebel against an unhealthy status quo. Learn how to
- Resist the allure of complacency
- Discover the value of being around people who stop conforming and start deviating.
- Produce messages that influence the majority--when in the minority.
- Build mighty alliances
- Manage the discomfort when trying to rebel
- Champion ideas that run counter to traditional thinking
- Unlock the benefits of being in a group of diverse people holding divergent views
- Cultivate curiosity, courage, and independent, critical thinking in youth

Filled with engaging stories about dissenters in the trenches as well as science that will transform your thinking. The Art of Insubordination is for anyone who seeks more justice, courage, and creativity in the world.

Todd B. Kashdan, Ph.D., is professor of psychology at George Mason University, and a leading authority on well-being, curiosity, courage, and resilience. He has published more than 220 scientific articles, his work has been cited more than 35,000 times, and he received the American Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology. His books Curious? and The Upside of Your Dark Side have been translated into more than fifteen languages. His writing has appeared in the Harvard Business Review, National Geographic, and other publications, and his research is featured regularly in media outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Time. He's a twin with twin daughters (plus one more), with plans to rapidly populate the world with great conversationalists.
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Published 2022-02-15 by Avery


Chinese (comp..): Yuan-Liou ; Chinese (simpl.): China Science and Technology ; Korean: Next Wave ; Portuguese (Brazil): Planeta do Brasil ; Portuguese (Port.): Planeta de Livros Portugal ; Spanish: Edicions 62 ; Thai: WeLearn Co.

A useful primer for those determined to make waves for a good cause. Read more...

Todd Kashdan is an expert on well-being and psychological flexibility. His most recent book is an exploration of dissent, progress, hope, and authenticity. Matt and Todd dive into what psychological flexibility is and how we cultivate authenticity. Todd prides himself on offering highly practical and research-based tools and ideas for anyone who wants to create a world with more justice, creativity, and courage, and this conversation delivers... Read more...

Based on cutting-edge research, The Art of Insubordination is the essential guidebook for anyone seeking to be heard, make change, and rebel against an unhealthy, stagnant status quo. Read more...

With new research and original, inspiring stories, Kashdan has delivered a manifesto for individuals and organizations who want to spark innovation and creativity.

If the goal is to continually improve society and make your teams better, read this book. My hope is that The Art of Insubordination will be widely read to inspire a new generation of rebels with a cause.

Although dissent is an art, Kashdan shows us something even more important and practical - it's also a science. He does so with an array of captivating and instructive accounts that reveal the value of this skill.

Based on cutting-edge research, The Art of Insubordination is the essential guidebook for anyone seeking to be heard, make a change, and rebel against an unhealthy, stagnant status quo. The book also gives the rest of us the evidence-based strategies we need to become better allies of our leaders in change, ensuring that the best ideas, products, and solutions survive and win the day... Listen in on the interview... Read more...

Our world is broken, and this book can help us fix it. Todd Kashdan's work shows us the most effective ways to defy injustice and shake up the status quo - in both big and small ways. This is the book we've been waiting for.

In this show, we ask Todd about his new book - and how we can get the courage to challenge the status quo... Read more...

Todd Kashdan combines cutting-edge science and real-life stories about the kind of insubordination we need to make the world a better place. This is the book that all virtuous rebels need.

Todd Kashdan on Curiosity and Insubordination - Todd had a number of amazing insights during our conversation... Read more...

When Leah recently needed extra support, she didn't quite know how to get it. Psychologist Todd Kashdan joins her and Ofosu to discuss why so many of us struggle to ask for help and what we can do to better support ourselves and our loved ones. Read more...

THE ART OF INSUBORDINATION is included in their summer book round up Read more...

Why is it so difficult to do the right thing, especially when the system pushes against us? In this engaging, well-researched book, you'll discover practical ways to speak up, show up and make a difference.