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The Allergy Code

Peter Liffler

“I carried, supported, reassured and comforted my child with neurodermatitis, I cried with him, attended treatment sessions, took him from one doctor to the next, spent many nights lying awake, bandages applied, cotton gloves sewn into his pajamas. And I suffered relentlessly with him and would have given him anything, my healthy skin above all else, my life too. One thing’s for certain: if I could have read your book back then, it would have been a massive help for both me and my child.” Letter from a mother.

In his groundbreaking study, Dr. Peter Liffler proves for the first time that allergy sufferers and their relatives are usually highly sensitive. Individuals with allergies perceive sensory stimuli more intensely and react more strongly to their social surroundings and to environmental influences. When the immune system capitulates, diseases such as neurodermatitis, allergies, or asthma develop. Dr. Liffler unravels the possible causes of allergic diseases and develops a systematic therapeutic approach that is specifically tailored to this phenomenon. In addition to recommending natural medications and nutritional programmes, Liffler’s work allows affected parties and their relatives to recognise the connections between the disease and their own highly sensitive nature. Readers will be taught to practice mindful awareness, and to use this to aid their recovery.

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Published 2019-03-15 by Ullstein , ISBN: 9783963660085

Main content page count: 368 Pages

ISBN: 9783963660085