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Sebastian Ritscher
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A.J. Baime

Harry S. Truman and Four Months that Shaped the Modern World April-August 1945

“If Harry Truman could be president, so could my next-door neighbor.”—Common saying, 1945
Heroes are often defined as ordinary characters who get thrust into extraordinary circumstances, and through courage and a dash of luck, cement their position in history. In many ways, and especially compared to his Oval Office predecessor Franklin Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman was the prototypical ordinary man.
Harry S. Truman’s first 120 days in office saw an unprecedented litany of historic occurrences: the founding of the United Nations, the fall of Berlin, the Potsdam Conference (in which Truman, Stalin, and Churchill met in attempt to shape the postwar world), the first atomic explosion, the Nazi surrender, the liberation of concentration camps, the early crystallization of the Zionist movement, the mass starvation of prostrated Europe, the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the surrender of Imperial Japan, the end of the bloodiest conflict in history, and the dawn of the Cold War, which brought with it the specter of World War III and the end of human civilization as we know it.

No American president had ever faced so many historic events in his first year in office, and no American president was quite like Harry Truman: a man who had only once stepped foot outside his country, with no training in global politics, who had never even governed his own small town, forced into the most high stakes chess game of international relations that had ever been played; a man who had no college education, struggling to understand the concept of the atomic bomb, with its murderous fury and its political implications, and finding himself the one to decide—before the judge and jury of all of history to come—whether or not to use it.

A.J. Baime is the New York Times bestselling author of The Arsenal of Democracy (2014) and Go Like Hell (2009). Both books are in development for major motion pictures. Baime is a longtime regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, and his articles have also appeared in the New York Times, Popular Science, and Men's Journal.
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Published 2018-02-01 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Published 2018-02-01 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


UK: Transworld