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Melissa Chinchillo
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Aaron James

An Aquatic Inquiry into a Life of Meaning

Aaron will use surfing—and other leisure activities, but mainly surfing— as a vehicle to introduce certain key ideas of philosophy to a general trade reader, in the vein of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar (both huge bestsellers in the US).
Some of the central players, along with Sartre and others in the phenomenological tradition, especially Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, will be Aristotle on action and happiness, Buddhism and the Stoics, Hobbes and Rousseau on society, Locke on the commons, and Marx on autonomy and leisure.

Aaron will also develop his own argument that surfing and related leisure activities are part and parcel of a new kind of “leisure capitalism” that would help us adapt to the ever-increasing ecological scarcity of our changing planet.

Aside from being Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of California-Irvine, Aaron has been a surfer for decades, traveling to Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil and all over the world to surf. He received his PhD in Philosophy from Harvard and is a Professor at UCal-Irvine, as well as Chair of his department. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling Assholes, A Theory—sold in 8 languages—and the more academic Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.


Taking his own advice, [James] infuses Surfing with Sartre with just the right mix of personal insight and universal scope. The author himself playfully calls his book "comically grandiose," and it's exactly that, a work of both ambition and humility. Ultimately, it's as concerned with peace, fulfillment, and humanity's future as it is about the spray of salty surf on a summer's day. In fact, the two are the same. Read more...

Heidegger as ho-daddy? The approach is unusual, but to fruitful—and entertaining—ends. Read more...