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Sung's Shop

Karin Kalisa


Berlin’s hipster area discovers its Asian character and its anarchic-creative soul comes alive.

In the auditorium of a primary school, Minh’s grandmother tells the story of her ancient Vietnamese wooden doll – children and teachers are enchanted. Within a year, the neighbourhood of Prenzlauer Berg goes topsy-turvy. Everything begins at Minh’s father’s convenience store. Here, former Vietnamese workers meet citizens of the former GDR. Sung’s shop supplies not only fruits and vegetables, but also instructs inhabitants in the high art of improvisation.

Berlin’s hipster area discovers its Asian character and its anarchic-creative soul comes alive. Bamboo bridges are put up between houses, guards in parking lots wear Vietnamese hats, exotic vegetables begin to grow on waste land, and there is a medical doctor going on Sunday duty to cure patients from the Far East. Finally, a Ho-Chi-Minh-Flag is hoisted on the roof, and everything culminates in the biggest street party the neighbourhood has ever seen: a splendid theatrical performance in a duck pond, with Vietnamese water puppets!

Good vibes are possible! A utopian idea, of course. But a highly contagious one.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406681882

Main content page count: 255 Pages

ISBN: 9783406681882