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Friederike Barakat
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Thomas Lehr

It starts with 39 seconds that signal the end – the end of a life.

Two brothers, Robert and Christian Rauch, begin to understand what happened in the past. A man suddenly appears in front of the family terrace: »Roll call, Doctor, roll call!« His shout reawakens their father’s past as a doctor in Dachau, leading to a trial that ends only years later. In awe-inspiring language and with unparalleled compactness, Thomas

Lehr analyses a story with distressing events: »The momentous topics of the past century take on a new, unexpected form in this novella, and suddenly reappear with dazzling significance, « wrote reviewer Helmut Böttiger in Die Zeit. After the success of his masterful novel Schlafende Sonne (Sleeping Sun), Spring has at last been reissued.

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Published 2019-01-01 by Carl Hanser Verlag

Main content page count: 144 Pages
