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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Jules Feiffer

Everyone's favorite dog is back in the much-anticipated follow-up to Bark, George from celebrated author-illustrator Jules Feiffer.
When George's mother asks her pup to add one plus one, two plus two, and three plus three, George would rather eat, go for a walk, and take a nap. But soon George finds himself in a colorful dream about.numbers! Can George count his way out?

Featuring laugh-out-loud humor and expressive and bold illustrations from acclaimed author-illustrator and Pulitzer Prizewinning cartoonist Jules Feiffer, this imaginative follow-up to Bark, George is the perfect read-aloud for children ready to learn their numbers.

Jules Feiffer has won a number of prizes for his cartoons, plays, and screenplays, including the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning. His books for children include Bark, George; The Man in the Ceiling; A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears; Meanwhile...; and I Lost My Bear. He is also the illustrator of the children's classic The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster.
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Published 2020-06-02 by HarperCollins


This follow-up is more quietly thoughtful, but Feiffer's linework is as fine and fluid as ever, and his canny placement of speech balloons gives even the trees personality.