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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Cecy Robson

The first in a debut series featuring three sisters who neither belong to the normal nor the supernatural world. The Weird Sisters are a class of their own!
Celia Wird and her three sisters are just like other twenty-something girls in Tahoe, California. They hit up their favorite bars after their nursing shifts. They steal each other’s clothes and argue over lipstick. They date men who can’t commit. They’re practically normal, with one tiny exception: they’re products of a backfired curse that has given each of them unique powers.

Not quite belonging to the human world but avoiding the local supernatural community, the Wird sisters are content to stand on their own—until one of them accidentally blows up a vampire. Everyone knows vampires aren’t aggressive, and killing one is punishable by death in vampire court. But soon reports of more bloodlust-fueled attacks trickle in, and the community begins to wonder: are the vampires of Tahoe infected?

That’s exactly the question that Misha, the handsome leader of the infected vampire family, wants Celia to answer for him. But Aric, the head of the werewolf pack that would destroy Misha’s family to keep the town safe, has discovered Celia’s shifter powers and wants her help policing the vampires. Caught between two hot alphas, Celia must find a way to please everyone, save everyone, and oh yeah, not lose her heart to the wrong guy.

This Wird girl has never had it so tough.
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Published 2012-12-31 by Signet Eclipse


Published 2012-12-31 by Signet Eclipse


The four magical Wird sisters were each born with individual weird talents due to a curse that went awry. Celia, the eldest, harbors a ferocious inner tigress and has the ability to shift through solid objects and a curious allergy that makes her take on the form of any animal she comes into contact with. Her sisters accompany her to a vampire court where it seems certain she will be executed after being tried for murder. Fortunately, the court has the ability to see what transpired during the killing, and they determine that David, the attacking vampire, had been suffering from bloodlust, so Celia can go free. Now handsome Misha, David's vampire master, needs to find out how his family is being infected with the plague and seeks assistance from the Wird sisters, while the very sexy werewolf Aric is trying to rid the area of vampires. Celia ends up caught between these two gorgeous alpha males in Robson's fun read for those who enjoy paranormal love triangles.

Robson combines four sisters with supernatural powers, a murderous yet sympathetic vampire, and a frightening virus in an engaging paranormal romance with bite. Misha Aleksander believes that the Wird sisters-Celia, Taran, Shayna, and Emme-caused the death of one of his relatives. When he discovers that a vampire virus, chronic bloodlust, is actually to blame, he recruits the sisters, all of whom are nurses, to suss out who's spreading it. As the sleuthing gets more intense and the body count rises, Celia winds up with two supernatural men vying for her attention: vampire Misha and his nemesis, werewolf Aric. Robson skillfully builds a believable world near Lake Tahoe for this solid page-turning debut.