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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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P.T. Deutermann

Written with the authority of twenty-six years of military and government service at sea and in Washington, P.T. Deutermann's Red Swan is a brilliant, provocative thriller about the contemporary war that no one sees, but which will shape the future of America and China.
Set in contemporary Washington D.C., Red Swan begins with an ominous phone call from Carson McGill, the Deputy Director of Operations in the CIA, to retired CIA officer Preston Allender. Henry Wallace is dead. A behind-the-scenes operator at the CIA, Wallace was integral to the Agency’s secret war against China’s national intelligence service, which infiltrates government and military offices, major businesses, and systems crucial to our security. Wallace had severely damaged China’s Washington spy ring with a devastating ruse, a so-called “black swan,” in which a deep-undercover female agent targeted and destroyed a key Chinese official. Now, Wallace’s mysterious death suggests that the CIA itself has been compromised and that China has someone inside the Agency.

But as Allender quietly investigates, he makes a shocking discovery that will upend the entire American intelligence apparatus. For Wallace’s black swan operation may have been turned against the CIA; a Red Swan is flying and the question is: who is she, what is her target, and where will she land?

Mr. Deutermann'sprevious historical fiction and suspense novels have garnered much praise from both critics and audiences for their detail and authenticity, informed by the author's 26 years of experience in the United States Navy. RED SWAN delivers all of the verismilitude and masterful storytelling of those works while including a new dimension of political intrigue and commentary sure to ignitethe interest of a wide readership.

P. T. DEUTERMANN is the author of many previous novels including Pacific Glory, which won the W. Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction. Deutermann spent twenty-six years in military and government service, as a captain in the Navy and in the Joint Chiefs of Staff as an arms-control specialist. He lives with his wife in North Carolina.
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Published 2017-08-22 by St. Martin's Press


Published 2017-08-22 by St. Martin's Press


Publisher's Weekly interviewwith P.T. Deutermann, focusing on RED SWAN. Read more...

The story has lots of twists and turns to the point where you as a reader are not sure who you can trust (with the exception of Preston and Melanie). Just a great thriller that will keep you wanting to keep reading right up to the very end. Read more...

Deutermann spins his tale with such cunning that readers will rush through the pages to find out what happens next.