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Ullstein Buchverlage
Annemarie Blumenhagen
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Q economy

Anders Indset

"The Q economy will change our society for the better. It will not onlysatisfy our material needs, but will also help us expand our talents and live out our dreams.”

The Old Economy is dead, the New Economy is dead. What follows is the Q Economy.

The economy isn’t a game to be won—it’s chaotic, strange, interdependent, and inˆfite. And we would be smart to rethink our concept of the economy now and get ready for

changes that are on the way. The world isn’t rational, and neither is the economy. It’s a world of interdependencies or an interworld. We already live in a quantum reality, even

though you might not have a direct relation to this in your perceived every day physical reality. What we need is a new enlightenment, a renaissance of thinkers to move us for ward.

But in order to develop the society further and make progress for humanity, we need an economic motivation, a new engine for progress and prosperity for mankind.

In Q economy, internationally renowned business philosopher Anders Indset, presents a new concept of the economy of the future. A future that thrives through dialogue, collaboration and co-creation. A world in which we humans are the drivers of our society, environment, economy, and our reality. A business world that moves us beyond hyper-consumerism and a capitalistic model build solely on materialism and hyperconsumption. In the Q Economy, we will rapidly leave behind the “must- do society” and evolve into a “can-do society”.

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Published 2019-03-01 by Econ , ISBN: 9783430202725

Main content page count: 336 Pages

ISBN: 9783430202725