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Python for Engineers and Natural Scientists

Hans-Bernhard Woyand

Introducing to Programming, Math Applications and Visualizations. Python as First Programming Language

Do you want to learn Python as your first programming language? This book provides an introduction and math applications with Python. It is particularly suited for students of computer science as a minor, for instance engineers, and does not require previous knowledge. The text focuses on math applications and working with Numpy, Matplotlib, SYMPY and VPython. The text includes many exercises and solutions.

The 2ndeditionof the book additionally provides an introduction to the Python based software library Scipy. Scipy contains a number of math algorithms and methods for the solution of problems in the fields of engineering and natural sciences. It provides examples for numerical integration, interpolation, signal analysis and optimization.

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Published 2018-09-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446457928

Main content page count: 302 Pages

ISBN: 9783446457928