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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Gemma Correll Patrick Casey Joshua Miller

A Parody for Your Twenties

A hilarious parody of numerous children’s books, Oh, the Places You’ll Eff Up pokes fun at the rosy picture painted by those classics as it provides new graduates with a cathartic laugh at entering their twenties.
Oh, what wonderful, happy adventures lie ahead for new graduates. Or so those beloved childhood picture books would have one believe. Of course, reality is something very different. A hilarious parody of numerous children's books, Oh, the Places You'll Eff Up pokes fun at the rosy picture painted by those classics as it provides new graduates with a cathartic laugh at entering their twenties. The episodic chapters cover everything from endless internships, looming student loans, and judgmental parents to overachieving friends, Craigslist roommates, and online-dating disasters. "Harold and the Pink Slip" reveals that a college education, a go-getter attitude, and hard work mean nothing in a world of downsizing giants and brown-nosing dragons. "Are You My Girlfriend?" explores the awkward situation when one's "girlfriend" talks about her "friend" Brian for hours on end. While "The Chronicles of Hernia" follows the increasingly angry string of emails sent to human resources in a desperate attempt to get enrolled in the company health plan while enduring months of gut-wrenching pain. Josh Miller is the author of A Zombie's History of the United States, The United States of Awesome, and the forthcoming book The Very Hungry Parasite. He is also the coauthor of Never Have I Ever. Patrick Casey and Josh Miller are coauthors of The World Reduced to Infographics. They both live in Los Angeles. Gemma Correll is the author and illustrator of A Cat's Life, A Dog's Life, A Pug's Guide to Etiquette, and the forthcoming A Pug's Guide to Dating. She draws a monthly cartoon for the Emirates Airlines Open Skies magazine, and her work has used by Hallmark, The New York Times, Oxford University Press, Knock Knock, and Chronicle Books. She lives in Norwich, UK.
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Published 2014-04-15 by Ulysses Press