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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Annelie Geissler


Penelope Douglas

From New York Times bestselling author Penelope Douglas comes the thrilling, final installment in the Devil's Night series ...
EMORY: They call it Blackchurch. A secluded mansion in a remote, undisclosed location where the wealthy and powerful send their misbehaving sons to cool off away from prying eyes. Will Grayson has always been an animal, though. WILL: I never minded being locked up. I learned a long time ago that being treated like an animal gives you permission to act like one. No one has ever looked at me any other way. Their only mistake is believing anything I do is an accident. Penelope Douglas is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her books include the Fall Away series, Corrupt, and Misconduct.
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Published 2024-05-07 by Berkley Books